Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monkey Business

Monkey business is what happens when you start doodling   in paint. So, I hope you enjoy my friend\.
Also, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mel & Chris

 I love painting people. even more when its people I love. This is my daughter and her new husband. I painted it as a gift for them. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Small Wonder

A man came up to me and said. " I heard you can paint " he handed me a wallet picture of a baby.  I asked who it was and he said he did not know.  So here is his small wonder. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


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Dani is a girl that has so much personality and it shows in all that she does. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I find myself looking around Facebook. Not just for the news of what people are doing in life. But, the pictures I love. This is one that I found. Its Erin's daughter Muddy. Just a fun picture. and on Erin's page most of them are. I started because I wanted a picture of them both for the Kat Project. And I am sure that will happen too.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween!

Signed in to dailypaintworks today to find a zombie challenge. So i decided to paint my favorite resident of 1313 Mockingbird lane.  Say hi to Herman. 

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Jolly and Terry

Jolly and Terry paths cross from time to time. Jolly is from Jam Productions and Terry was the Audio engineer at Rib Fest last summer. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Four Steppin

A picture taken by mistake showed me the world in a different way. I guess I never really look at feet in pictures. I look at faces. but, Feet have a personality all there own.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


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This is my grandsons newest dog. His name is Hoss. He was so small and clumsy . Now he is bigger than them all. Its another in my collection I have been painting for the daily paint works site. I have had fun with them all.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nickel 2

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I never have figured out who my kids have gotten to be such hams in front of the camera. But, I love it. You will never see the same face from them twice. and when you get the four of them together its a blast to watch them try and out pose each other. This one that I was told looks like a cereal killer is my lost boy Nickel.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bold and Brave

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Bold and Brave says so much . But, really when you look at an Eagle what is the first thing you think of? A symbol of our country that makes us proud. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Buy Me

I had fun with Moxie. Actually I am having fun with these small paintings. I am learning not to stress the small stuff. I have a huge silent art auction tommorrow that I said I would help with . My first thought was not to do what I need to do for me. But, I am going to do my small stuff first. I like to help but, its not fun when I keep thinking about what I need to do for me. Enjoy Moxie I did. 

Friday, May 11, 2012


This little man belongs to a dear friend and fan of mine. It still amazes me some days when people say they love my art. But, at the same time it makes me smile to connect with someone in that way. Its so worth it. Give a warm welcome to Rashawn.
He's in 10x8 Acrylic on Canvas, Part of the Kat Project. To find out more check out my newsletter.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


This is a 5X7 Acrylic Daily painting. Its my girlfriends cat Baby and she is quite that 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Clown-in Around

As I post this painting I notice with shock that it has been two months since I last was here. Fun how you move along finally gaining speed and for what ever reason you stop and then your in shock when you see how fast time fly's. I will see you tomorrow. I am promising myself.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Ol' Blue

I wanted to try the pearlessence  type paints. I loved they way they shimmered in the bottles. Well, I can really see no difference on the canvas. Especially is you put a varnish on when your done. I did though get some of the coolest blues and greens to add to my collection. So, welcome Ol' Blue to the collection.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This is Diane a good friend of mine. Her faience travels a lot and when hes gone she takes pictures to send to him. I have always liked this one. Also if you have seen the painting gramma's Diva, this is the gramma. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

You There,Paint me Next

This is my Brother-in-law Bert. I went to my studio and nothing was talking to me. I have lots of paintings and sketches , all in different states. None were going to work today. So, as an Artist I have 100's of reference photos and 100's more ideas spinning around in my brain. I started looking through my pictures on my computer when this picture spoke to me. I could hear Bert with his deep gruff voice saying to me. "You There, Paint me Next" There was now way to say no. And really this picture has been in my file years. I knew I would use it sometime. Funny how we get our inspiration. Or maybe I should say thanks Bert for the Motivation. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

The daily challenge on paintworks was to paint raw meat. So, This guy is all dressed for dinner and no place to go. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lazy Days

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This is a daily painting that I had to walk away from a couple of times. But reminded me of what I love about what I do. When I go back to the painting I see it through new eyes and can continue. I hope that when people look at me art its the same for them. That each time they look at it, its through new eyes. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Four Days Till Valentines Day

I am still having fun with my daily paintings. Valentines Day will be here soon. I spent the day with my Grandson Micheal. We went shopping for Valentine's  and lots of candy. Every candy he picked up he assured me that it was his favorite and that is why we had to have it. Yes, I am a gramma. We got them all.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Twisted in Pink

I am finding that I am enjoying the daily painting thing to much. I am working on spending more time in the studio and now I am doing that. it feels great!
I just have to learn to stay there and continue working on the larger pieces I have waiting. I do have a couple of competitions  that I will enter.  The canvas are drawn, sitting here in my studio and ready to go.
 I also do 3 art fair type shows during the summer with my Mom. Who is a fabulous oil painter. Those shows are coming up fast. 
Anyway back to the twisted flamingo's . I have a cousin that Has a bath done all in pink flamingo's and this is for his collection. Hes gone this week and I was thinking about him.
I will get some of my mom's art and show you. It truly is Fabulous.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

White on White Challenge

The Daily Paintworks has a challenge listed on there site. This one looked like fun and I was right. Sometimes just painting to paint is fun. When you don't have to pick out the subject. I enjoyed this and you should go and check out all the entrys. they are great. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Larry & Chris

Larry and Chris is a painting that I did as a Christmas present for Chris. He had given me an old picture of him and his dad Larry that meant a lot to him. I had to make a copy of the picture for reference and he kept the original. That's when I knew how important it was to him and knew that it was going on my list of paintings I must do. Because for me to create something that connects with a person one on, one is the greatest achievement that there is. even though it was from Christmas. I forgot to take a picture of it before it left my studio. I have one now and wanted to share this father and son team with you, 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I was looking through pictures on friends profiles just wandering. Sometimes I find a face that talks to me. I would like you to meet Chuck. He said I could use his picture I wonder if he knew what I planned on doing with it. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Siblings Too

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Jan 25, 2012
There are something about siblings that make them have a special bond. And these are two that when you get them together you never get the same face twice. Melissa is my eldest girl and Nickel is the eldest boy. You will see them again because I have as my different faces of them as days in the year. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Puppy Love

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Today I was at a loss ans then this little guy popped out at me. I do love puppy's. especially on canvas. Puppy love is a 5x7 Acrylic on Canvas board. 

Friday, January 20, 2012


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I have been working on the painting a day concept. I looked at it as a way to improve my Art. I do feel that the more you do something the better you get. Now I am also see that the more you do what you love the better you feel about yourself.  So, I am learning more everyday and I will have to keep going. I like you to meet my daughter Melagan. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blue Bass

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I walked through a craft store and on the shelf sat a glass fish. What could I do with it? Well he seemed to need a worm. This is a 5x7 Acrylic on canvas board. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hang in There Baby

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Have you ever had that feeling someday s that no matter what you try the only plan of action is to hang on and you know it will get better? Well, for those day here is my friend to remind you. Hang in there Baby!

Thursday, January 12, 2012